Friday, June 6, 2008

People Who Are Waiting in Line for an Obligatory Cockpunch

1) The dude who hit the elderly man in Hartford, CT and left him paralyzed in the road and

2) all the people who stood on the sidewalk WATCHING and not doing anything.

3) Rush, Bill, etc.

4) The guy who invented conservipedia. A quote from my sister after I asked her what it was: "They [the conservatives] thought wikipedia was too liberal so they started another one for conservatives. Did they not realize that you can add your own shit to wikipedia, thus making it less liberal than you believe it to be? The whole friggin point of wikipedia? Christ almighty." God love my sister.

5) The lady (and others like her) who talk on their cell phone while in a public restroom. I have a friend who told me this is a particular problem in men's rooms. But seriously, as I am using the restroom, I do NOT want to hear about how Sandy's dad isn't doing well and whether or not Jessica should date that guy or not.

6) Flakes. I hate flakes. Why disappoint me later when you can just disappoint me now?


Anonymous said...

seriously? conservepedia? that's just fucking wrong. fae fester

Micaela said...

I know!

Heather Williams said...

Have you seen the "dinosaur Jesus" from conservepedia? Nate told me about it. There's a section that talks about how the world really was just created in 7 days and how the world is only a couple of thosand years old -- but how do you reconcile a two thousand year old world and dinosaurs? -- Jesus was around and coexistes WITH the dinoaurs is one conservative explanation (of course). There are some great pictures.