Monday, January 21, 2008

The Year of Yes: Date #1

This is a picture of me. On my date. OK, maybe it is a little exaggerated, but it pretty much sums up my feelings about the date overall.

Mr. Boring (I shall refrain from using his real name) was moderately good-looking. A little on the short side (no where NEAR his self-proclaimed 5'7") with no job. And no real desire to get a job. Which is fine by me, as long as you can provide for yourself, because I am NOT paying for dinners, movies, and drinks. But BOR-RING!

Who-hee. Seriously. The only time I wasn't bored was when I was talking. And when he was talking he was trying to discuss architecture. I don't know the first thing about architecture. I know that buildings exist and that some of them are really famous: The Louvre, The Guggenheim, The Effiel Tower, The Basilica. Other than that, I know nothing. I nodded politely but asked no questions, so as not to lead him on to think I was interested in this topic in any way. However, he did not get the hint.

He texted me today to tell me that he was really glad we had a good time and that it was nice that we had so many things in common.

The only things we have in common are we speak the same language and are online dating.

I sent him a polite but firm email stating that while I appreciated dinner, I did not think we made a very good match, specifically in the personality department. I wished him luck on his future search. Mind you, we had discussed the possibility of not wanting to see each other after the first date. We had even discussed our individual styles of rejecting said date if we did not want to continue the process.

His reply:

Hi Micaela,

That's fine, I understand what you mean. Honestly, it's kind of become an expectation, based on recent experience, that people aren't really willing to give someone much of a chance when it comes to dating. And, that's too bad, because in my case they literally have no idea what they missed out on. Anyways, I'll wish you the best as well. Take care.........

(Mr. Boring)

Apparently, I am too bitchy to date this one.


Holli said...

Okay, I'm laughing...and LOVING this post! Good for you, for saying yes, and going on a date with Mr. Boring...and even better for you, for telling him no thanks on the second one. Oh, Mic -- I love you!

Keep those yeses coming!! xoxo

Micaela said...

I'm glad someone is loving it, because he wasn't!!