Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just When I Get My Head Straight

So, as I am driving home from scrapbooking tonight, I think about men, and how pretty much every year at this time I am alone, and that it is going to be OK this year too.

I realized that all I want is not be alone. So, in order to do that, why don't I enjoy the people I DO have around me, and all my friends all over the country?

Then I get home, check my email, and ... meet a cool guy online.

I swear.


Holli said...

This is EXACTLY how life works!

The day before I met Joe I made a vocal "declaration of independence" to 10 of my dearest girlfriends about how I had sworn off men, etc. The next day I walked into a coffee shop and there he was. Life is funny, Mic. Enjoy :)

The Giant said...

It happens to us all. Fate loves to kick ya in the ass just when you think you have it all under control.
And, by the way, you rock my world too!! :)