Friday, May 25, 2007


If you have read the previous memoir post, then you know that my dad likes to create nicknames for everyone. Here are just a few:

Micaela: Metrangueline
Tracy and Ian: The Monkey Eaters, or The Hippies (Because only hippies go to Thailand.)
Heather: The Heater
Stephanie: Little Sister, or Little Poop
Mom: Kid

And now Randy has joined the ranks of those blessed with a nickname. And his is Tambour.

Now, Daddy's nicknames don't always make a ton of sense, but they always have meaning in some round-a-bout way. The logic is as follows:

Fact #1) Randy plays in a band.

Fact #2) (Dad ignores this fact and proceeds to fact #3) Randy plays the guitar.

Fact #3) Dad hears the word "band" and he immediately thinks of a random instrument that a band member would play, most likely an instrument that HE would most likely want to play, which in this case is the drums.

Fact #4) Tambour is how you say drum in Spanish/Latin/any Latinate language.

So, it makes perfect sense. Really.

Randy now has passed the first stage of blending into my family. He has master our family's version of the secret handshake.

Welcome to the "family," Tambour.

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