Sunday, February 3, 2008

Concert Number 1 of the Year

As mentioned in an earlier post, I went to see the Foo Fighters on Friday night. I went with Paul (my boss' husband); their friend Gilbert; and Jordan, Cheryl & Paul's son. I felt so cool as I was the only girl! When we got there, I noticed that the male to female ratio was at least 100:1. It was crazy!

I didn't even have to wait in line to the bathroom. When has that every happened at a concert?

I have never been a big Foo Fighters fan, but they put on a pretty amazing rock show; one I was happy to have gone to. They rock, and have really great songs. I was very surprised.

Against Me! put on a great little set, too. Overall, it was a thrilling experience. And the next day I went out and bought me the newest Foo CD I could find.


Holli said...

Foo Fighters definitely rock! And I love the sound of not waiting in line at the bathroom! That's incredible!

Anonymous said...

you'll have to tell jerry (when you meet him) about the against me! show...he loves that band!
