Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Creep Alert!

This is an update to the earlier post below.

I checked my email this evening, and there is a "wink" for me. Now, I have to admit, I was a little excited because it has been a LONG while since anyone, male or female, has shown any interest in me or my profile online. So, I excitedly went to to check my messages.

And there was a "wink" from the creep who totally dissed me in February.

Do people not remember each other? Do these men just "wink" at every woman within a certain age group? Does this guy have two brain cells to rub together, or does he just want to punish himself?

This time, I didn't reply. I didn't want the tongue lashing I got last time to be repeated. There are other things I want guys to do with their tongues. Berating me with them is NOT one of them.

And P.S. His profile is STILL negative. Surprise, surprise.

A man has been "winking" at me from different singles websites that I have a profile on. ("Winking," for those of you who don't know, is the act of letting someone know that you are interested in them without actually having to email them anything meaningful.) This man's profile states: "Well I am starting to realize it's kinda pointless to even type anything in here as people don't really read profiles, [
sic]they just go by the picture. Honestly I am not on here to find my soulmate or a life partner. I am just on here to try and meet new people and make some new friends. I spent the last 7 years on myself in terms of trying to get a career going and trying to make something of myself."

Now, this man has "winked" at me before. I have ignored him because he is so negative, and believe me, I have no need for more negativity in my life. I have enough of my own! So I ignored him the first time around. Then he "winked" again, and this time I thought I would be nice and give him some friendly advice.

I wrote: "I've got to admit that I have seen your profile a couple of times, and I have thought about emailing you, but your profile is so darn depressing.

I just wanted to write to you and let you know that when your profile is that depressing and negative, it doesn't bode well for your chances. This is advice that I thought you needed in order to get a few more positive results from your profile. When a girl reads that you already think of her as completely self-absorbed and shallow, they don't want to meet you, even if they are self-absorbed and shallow.

And I am looking for a boyfriend, not just friends. I am really sorry, but I do hope you take my thoughts into consideration and revise your profile into something a little more upbeat about yourself and the women you are trying to meet. I think you will have better luck in the long run."

Now that I look back on it, maybe it wasn't the nicest thing I could have said.....

Anyway, he writes back to me and tells me that I have my head up my ass, I am a loser, still single, and I can basically go to hell. Well, imagine my surprise. Mr. Negative really IS negative.

Which brings me to my thought of the day. Why do people insist upon putting their negativity onto other people? I was happy to just dole out my friendly advice, albeit unsolicited. But he had to take his negativity one step further and call me a loser, a SINGLE loser nonetheless. He resorts to name calling and "I'm better that you"ing. Why can't people just take what the world gives them and try to learn from it.

OK, I know what you are all thinking. "Oh, Micaela, like you ever do that."

No, but I try!

1 comment:

Himself said...

Have him killed. Just make a new account, wink at him, and arrange a meeting between him and you paid assassin. He dies, and you get the warm feeling of satisfaction that only vengeance can bring. Plus, he will stop winking at you.